Your comments

Sorry, but we don't speak Greek.

Uncheck has a Greek language. A screenshot is below.

The website does not have a Greek translation. You can contribute it here:


Спасибо за информацию. Будет исправлено в следующей версии.

We could not reproduce it. Can you provide a screenshot? Thanks.

Here is how the Java offer looks in our tests:

Can you please provide more details?

Unchecky shouldn't modify the existing rules, only add new ones, and remove them afterwards.

Support was added in version 0.4.3.

Поддержка добавлена в версии 0.4.3.

Поддержка добавлена в версии 0.4.3.

Support was added in version 0.4.3 of Unchecky.

Support was added in version 0.4.3 of Unchecky.