Teie kommentaarid

Поддержка будет добавлена в следующей версии.

The current version of Free Sound Recorder shows a different offer. This offer is not being detected by Unchecky at this point. It will be added in the next version of Unchecky.

Похоже, программа уже не разрабатывается, и сайт уже не существует.

В любом случае, мы нашли программу на другом сайте, и мы добавим поддержку в следующей версии Unchecky.

Спасибо за отзыв, мы рады что программа Вам понравилась!

Окно программы не должно само открываться. Возможно, Вы вручную добавили программу Unchecky в список автозагрузки?

The main Unchecky window shouldn't appear when the system is started. It sounds like you have created a shortcut and set it to run at startup - there's no need to do that, Unchecky starts automatically with Windows, and runs in the background.

Having the OpenCandy dll file residing in the Temp (temporary) folder does no harm. That's how OpenCandy works: it extracts dll (and maybe other) files to the temporary folder, and uses them to download, display, and install offers. Unchecky prevents from the dll to connect to the OpenCandy servers, therefore it cannot proceed with displaying or installing the offers.

Unchecky does stop OpenCandy. Our guess is that the following is happening:

Mbam Premium scans the file that is about to run, and detects that it's bundled with OpenCandy. Mbam isn't aware of the fact that Unchecky is running, and that OpenCandy is being blocked. Therefore, it just blocks the file from running.

Our suggestion: allow the installer to run, and install the program step-by-step, while making sure that OpenCandy is indeed blocked. Let us know the results.

Are you referring to http://www.anyprotect.com/?

I'm not able to download the program. Seems like the website is not functional.

If you have a working link, please let us know.

Сейчас на http://www.emule.com/ другой установщик, но тот, что на скриншоте, скорее всего поддерживается последней версией Unchecky - мы добавили поддержку подобным установщикам.