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Are you talking about the following checkbox?
If not, could you please provide a screenshot?

Анонимная статистика - не потенциально нежелательная программа, поэтому Unchecky не убирает галочку. Подобные галочки не являются целью программы Unchecky.
Thank you for the feedback.
Currently, Unchecky is not able to handle checkboxes which appear on websites.
For more info, please see:

Closing as duplicate.
Поддержка будет добавлена в следующей версии.
Please see the FAQ for uninstallation instructions:
Let us know if you need more help.
This domain name is used by Unchecky to collect anonymous statistics, such as error reporting and detection rate, which allows us to improve the product. The data is collected according to the Privacy Policy, and private data, such as the IP address, is not kept in the database.

The network activity is not associated in any way with advertising. That would be quite ironic, as Unchecky was designed to prevent adware and PUPs in the first place.

I hope that I've cleared up the situation. If you have further questions, feel free to leave a reply or contact us.
Please see the FAQ for uninstallation instructions:
Let us know if you need more help.