
When unchecky is installed I cannot open a program LOTW_EQSL_Utility

PA4JJ 9 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Unchecky 8 jaar geleden 3

I am using a program called LOTW-eQSLUtilityv1498Full. But unchecky prevents this from seeing it on my screen. When I romove unchecky it runs ok. So this must be a bug. So I have to disabel unchecky now and I am waiting on your reaction



The issue was fixed in Unchecky v1.0.


Thank you for the report.

I've been able to reproduce the issue.

The bug is actually on the side of the Logger32 LOTW / EQSL Utility, which hides its window upon receiving the WM_NULL message, which should be ignored.

I have implemented a workaround, which will be available in the next version of Unchecky.

When will the next version be available? I just downloaded it again but it gives me the same error as I mentioned before


The issue was fixed in Unchecky v1.0.