Є відповідь

Stop spying users logs.isrtb.com?data=

Анонім 8 років тому оновлений 4 роки тому 2

Daten unchecky_svc.exe Uploads im Nur- Text in Hintergrund , ohne zu fragen Domain logs.isrtb.com

Provider: E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co.
Region: Wilmington (US)


Є відповідь

Unchecky sends anonymous data in order to help us keep it up to date with the newest installers.

Refer to the End-User License Agreement for more information.

Є відповідь

Unchecky sends anonymous data in order to help us keep it up to date with the newest installers.

Refer to the End-User License Agreement for more information.

please, make it optional, I know that now it sends to logs.unchecky.com but still... is a privacy concern.