UNCHECKY PLEDGE TO support Pdf Creator 3.4.0 Installer to block Pdf Architect installation
Pdf Creator 3.4.0 installer (http://download.pdfforge.org/download/pdfcreator/PDFCreator-stable):
[EN] (French translation follows) (TL;DR follows)
Please see screenshot attached (in italian)!
This installer co-installs UNWANTED application "Pdf Architect" (read below why).
To avoid it, on first installer screen, should be CHECKED installer option: "Advanced settings"
checkmark (i.e. custom install activator), THEN (two screens next), from Components list shown
afterwards, should be UNSET option "PDF Architect 6" checkmark, so to DISALLOW completely
installation of companion software "Pdf Architect".
About this companion software:
1) is NOT needed for operation of Pdf Creator
2) its installation is NOT advertised to user, that is NOT even informed that it will be
installed (except, if user voluntarily click on Advanced settings)
3) it installs defective browser plugins, that dramatically hinders web navigation and
slowdowns browsing experience, and it also forces the installer to do a PC reboot in order to
install them.
(Note: I won't tell here about the other Accept/Decline offer at end of installer, already
declined by Unchecky devs ;-))
As a final side note, "Unchecky Info Tool" seems unable to hook to that installer, as pressing
Ctrl+Alt+C on first installer window, results in "Denied Access" message in Info tool.
[TL;DR:] Pdf ARchitect is unwanted and HIDDENLY installed by default, it slowdowns web browsing;
to avoid, on first installer screen, must check "Advanced Option" checkmark, then of Component
list (two screen next), UNCHECK "PDF Architect 6" checkmark. See Screenshots. Info tool fails
S'il vous plaît, voir capture d'écran ci-joint (en italien)!
Cet installateur adjoute le logiciel INDESIRABLE Pdf Architect (lire ci-dessous pourquoi).
Pour l'éviter, sur le premier écran de l'installateur, devrait être COCHEÉ l'option
d'installation: "Paramètres avancés", c'est-à-dire, l'activateur d'installation personnalisé;
PUIS (deux écrans suivants), dans la Liste des composants affichée ci-après, l’option "PDF
Architect 6" devrait être DECOCHEÉ, afin de supprimer complètement l'installation du logiciel
À propos de ce logiciel compagnon:
1) n'est PAS nécessaire au fonctionnement de Pdf Creator
2) son installation n'est PAS annoncée à l'utilisateur, qui n'est PAS informée que cela sera
installée (sauf si l'utilisateur clique volontairement sur "Paramètres avancés)
3) il installe des plug-ins de navigateur défectueux, ce qui entrave considérablement la
navigation sur le Web et ralentit l'expérience de navigation, et oblige également le programme
d'installation à effectuer un redémarrage de l'ordinateur pour les installer.
Enfin, "Unchecky Info Tool" ne semble pas pouvoir s’accrocher à cet installateur, il en résulte
un message "Accès refusé" dans le panneau de Info Tool.
Customer support service by UserEcho
No reply here? :-(
If my proposal is wrong in any aspect, please tell me. Thanks
Si ma proposition est invalide en quelque coté, s'il vous plait vous me reinseignez? Merci
Thank you for the detailed report. The proposal is not wrong, we just didn't get to it yet.
As for the "Access denied" message of the Unchecky Info Tool, it's probably because you didn't run the tool as administrator.
Hi, problem is still here with PdfCreator 4.x. I wasn't able to avoid installation of Pdf Architect, and had to remove it, then to remove the many traces leaved on my system after uninstall.
How about the review for my proposal?
And by the way, where does it happens? You have't put a forum link or so, so it is kept obscure to me.