Your comments

Thank you for the report. Support for the latest GOM Player installer was added in Unchecky v1.2.

See also:

Thank you for the report. Support for the latest CCleaner installer was added in Unchecky v1.2.

Support for the latest version of CCleaner was added in the latest version of Unchecky, 1.2. Please let us know if there are any other installers that Unchecky misses. Thanks.

Unchecky v1.1 had an issue with the latest Firefox version, which was fixed in v1.2. Please let us know if you encounter this issue again.

Support for the new FileZilla Client version was added in Unchecky v1.2.

Support for the new FileZilla Client version was added in Unchecky v1.2.

Поддержка была добавлена в версии 1.2. 

Support for the new AIMP version was added in Unchecky v1.2.

Support for the new CCleaner version was added in Unchecky v1.2.