Your comments

We could not reproduce the offer. Can you provide more details, such as a screenshot and an exact link? Thanks.

Спасибо за отзыв.

Это не баг. Подробности тут:

Эта папка создается при попытки обновлении программы. Скорее всего, обновление не завершается успешно на Вашем компьютере.

  1. Какая у Вас версии программы Unchecky?
  2. Попробуйте обновить программу вручную - скачайте и установите последнюю версию с сайта программы.

It seems like you have Reason Core Security installed. If so, Unchecky is a part of the product, there's no need to install is separately.

Thank you for the report.

Support for CCleaner will be added in the next version of Unchecky.

We could reproduce the update offer. It will be handled in the next Unchecky update.

Thanks for the report.

While installing Comodo Internet Security Premium, the offer is being detected and unchecked. (a screenshot is below)

What has to be done to get the update?

Can you please tell us which browser you're using? We will try to reproduce the issue.