Your comments

Thank you for the report.
Unchecky is not a removal tool, it's a prevention tool. Could you please tell which software installation bundles the unwanted program you mentioned? If you could provide a download link and a screenshot, that will be very helpful.
You haven't provided much feedback, but it looks like you don't like the fact that Unchecky is constantly running. Even though it's true, it's a very lightweight program, and shouldn't affect overall system performance. If it wouldn't be constantly running, it wouldn't be available in the times when you need it, unless you remember to run it explicitly.
There are no plans to change this behavior in the near future.
Thanks for the report. Will be fixed in the next version.
Thanks for reporting about the issue. It will be fixed in the next version.
Можете, пожалуйста, предоставить ссылку, и если есть возможность, скриншот с галочками?

What is your current version?