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Unchecky Background Process using 50% CPU
Windows 10, build 1903: Carrying out a periodic check, I found my cpu temperature over 70 deg C. Task Manager revealed Unchecky Background Process using about 50% cpu although Unchecky Service was as normal. Fixed easily enough by switching off and back on but does anyone know why this happened?
Casillas de instalacion en aTubecatcher 3.8.9776
Al instalar aTubecatcher 3.8.9776, aparecen casillas que unchecky no detecta.
сделать яндекс домашней, при установке punto switcher не убрало галку
сделать яндекс домашней, при установке punto switc
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aTube Catcher v3.8.9622 has Avast Antivirus and Chromiun checkbox set
aTube Catcher v3.8.9622 has Avast Antivirus and Chromiun checkbox set
ccleaner and avast antivirus and program Unchecky sleep very deep when ccleaner update :-(
Why cant Unchecky find a unwanted avast installation when ccleaner is update its sucks
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