
Vosteran has appeared & may be causing problem

Anònim fa 10 anys updated by Unchecky fa 10 anys 4
Malicious URL has appeared & continuosly being blocked by my security system
Unchecky fa 10 anys
We believe that Unchecky was falsely detected by some security software, and that it's no longer an issue.
If you still have issues, please let us know.

Support for cnet.com downloader

Philippe Pomerleau fa 11 anys actualitzat fa 10 anys 4
I think cnet.com downloader support should be added. They now propose a lot of adware with their downloader and can be quite difficult for the home user not to install them. Their downloader must be used by a load of ppl.
Unchecky fa 10 anys
Thank you for the report.
CNET installers should be already supported. Screenshot below.
If you have encountered a CNET-based installer which is not supported by Unchcky, please provide a link.


Search App by Ask on Internet Explorer selected during Java 7 Update 55 install

Anònim fa 11 anys updated by Unchecky fa 10 anys 3
Search App by Ask on Internet Explorer is not un-selected during Java 7 Update 55 install on Windows 7 English
Unchecky fa 10 anys
Thanks for your feedback!

It is now supported under v0.2.15.
Not a bug

aimp 3.60 1465

Anònim fa 10 anys updated by Unchecky fa 10 anys 2
Unchecky fa 10 anys
Поддержка будет добавлена в следующей версии.

Постороний фон в окне

stvol fa 10 anys updated by Unchecky fa 10 anys 2
После обновления до 0.3.8 появилась такая неприятность как вторичный посторонний фон в окнах! После приостановки сабжа- баг пропадает! Проблема не единична- в сети встречал подобное описание бага и у других пользователей!

Image 175

Image 176

Unchecky fa 10 anys
Спасибо за информацию. Проблема исправлена в версии v0.3.9.
Если все еще есть проблемы,
дайте нам знать в комментариях.

java 8u51 french yahoo search

Anònim fa 10 anys updated by Unchecky fa 9 anys 2

On the Java8u51 updater, unchecky does not uncheck the "Define Yahoo as start page and search engine for all browsers"

I'm running Windows 8.1 Pro in french

Thanks for this amazing tool
Unchecky fa 9 anys
Should be fixed in v4.0. Please let us know if there are more issues.

aimp AIMP v5.02, build 2368 dont uncheck yandex-browser items

Anònim fa 3 anys 0

All IObit program installers have bundled iTop VPN and Screenrecorder installers checkboxes checked but Unchecky isn't seeing them.

Roy Smith fa 3 anys actualitzat fa 3 anys 1

The latest IObit versions of their major programs like Advanced System Care Ultimate, IObit Uninstaller, Smart Defrag, Driver Booster and others are all bundled with iTop VPN and iTop Screenrecorder already check-marked in the bottom left of the initial install screen. They are very difficult to notice even when they show up because the first couple of times I tried to install the IObit products I can assure you the checkboxes were most definitely NOT even displayed.

Unchecky does NOT see these. I will attempt to do as you ask with all the version numbers etc and the Unchecky Info Tool, but it may take some time as I am NOT very computer experienced. I'm basically just the driver of programs NOT the mechanic. Although I am learning day by day.

Thank you for the great free software

Yours respectfully


Support for 64-bit version of Windows 10

Anònim fa 6 anys 0

Please make your app fully support 64-bit version of Windows 10.