Under review

Unchecky 無法安裝

Lydia Chen 8 years ago updated by Unchecky 8 years ago 2


a newer version of unchecky is already installed,as part of reason core security . unchecky will not be installed on this computer

WinSCP update installer false positive

Anonymous 8 years ago updated by Unchecky 7 years ago 2

When updating from an earlier version of WinSCP selecting the option for "Full upgrade" gives a warning from Unchecky but the description by WinSCP is that it upgrades all previously installed components (no suggestion of installing anything extra and I didn't notice any extra software installed). Tested upgrading to WinSCP 5.9.2.

Unchecky 7 years ago

The detection was removed in Unchecky v1.1.


Gracias por todo amigos!!😉😉😉

Anonymous 8 years ago updated by Unchecky 8 years ago 1
Unchecky 8 years ago

Thank you for the support!


Dishanywhere slingplayer

LeRoy Polgrean 8 years ago updated by Unchecky 7 years ago 3

Unchecky prevents my Dishanywhere slingplayer from loading. As soon as I unilstall Unchecky, the Dishanywhere slingplayer starts working. I've used Unchecky for a couple of years but I just got Dishanywhere a couple of mouths ago and it worked OK at first but it quit working a month ago. maybe the 1.0.1 update killed it

Unchecky 7 years ago

Great, thanks for the follow-up.


Не снял галочки при установке приложения DEAMON Tools Lite.

Rakleed 8 years ago 0

Не снял галочки при установке приложения DEAMON Tools Lite.

Ссылка, где можно скачать установщик (с официального сайта) - http://www.disk-tools.com/download/daemon .

Image 287

Under review

Bundled offer "TrueKey by Intel Security" not detected and not unchAecked in Adobe Flash download

Anonymous 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 4
Not a bug

n'a pas fonctionné avec ccleaner qui m'a installé chrome , j'ais rien vu

Anonymous 8 years ago updated by Unchecky 8 years ago 1

j'ais 3 ordinateurs , j'ais voulu faire la mise a jour de ccleaner et chrome s'est installé j'ais rien vu ,faisant confiance a unchecky je fearit attention la prochaine foi

Unchecky 8 years ago

Унчек не позволяет установить браузер торч. Как добавлять в разрешённые ?

Niksal 8 years ago 0

День добрый. Унчек не позволяет установить браузер торч, в котором предустановлены и торент и грабер. Как добавлять в разрешённые ?