Under review

When installing Unchecky, it fails with the error "Access is denied". IS it linked with the fact that I use Windows 10?

Anònim fa 9 anys actualitzat fa 7 anys 2

should be portable and on demand, user targets to a specific setup.exe

Anònim fa 11 anys actualitzat fa 10 anys 2
this should be a portable app that the user starts and points to watch a specific new program he wants to install.  i dont need any more programs starting on boot. 

RaMMicHaeL fa 11 anys
A portable version is not planned.
Unchecky integrates into the system by installing a service, modifying the hosts file, and more. How do you expect a portable version to work? The best that can be done is installing Unchecky temporarily, and then removing it. Well, you can do that yourself.

Установщик Unlocker 1.9.2 "подвешивает" систему при включенной службе Unchecky

Anònim fa 11 anys updated by RaMMicHaeL fa 11 anys 1
Проверено на WinXP (x86) Win7 (x64) и Win 8.1 (х64)
Останавливается на установке Delta Toolbar хотя галочки исправно снял.. мышь перестаёт пускать на полосу задач (кнопку пуск и все остальные функции, что связаны с полосой выполнять запрещает!, хотя горячие клавиши - действуют и диспетчер задач вызвать можно...)
RaMMicHaeL fa 11 anys

Не снимает при утановке плеера

Anònim fa 10 anys updated by Unchecky fa 10 anys 1

Unchecky didn't catch this download.com installer.

Anònim fa 10 anys actualitzat fa 7 anys 4
Unchecky fa 10 anys
Should be fixed in v0.3.7.5.
Not a bug

Unchecky doesn't automatically uncheck extra software in the InstallIQ Manager

Anònim fa 11 anys updated by RaMMicHaeL fa 11 anys 2
Hopefully Unchecky can be updated to uncheck InstallIQ downlaods. It does warn me about the software, but doesn't automatically uncheck it.
RaMMicHaeL fa 11 anys
Here's a similar requests:

My answer there is mostly on Russian, but there's a short explanation in English.
The thing is there's no way to reliably determine that a button is a "decline" button. Installers can change. There may be errors in the logic of Unchecky.

The situation now is that if Unchecky makes a mistake, it either warns you on a valid item, or doesn't warn you on an unwanted offer. Not nice, but you can see that something is wrong. Now imagine if Unchecky makes a mistake and quietly installs a bundled program. We don't want that to happen. Thus, I decided against automatic button clicking.

Support for other Operating Systems

Anònim fa 10 anys 0
Since the Ask Toolbar is now also passed on to a Mac through a Java update, is it time to make Unchecky available for other platforms ???

obnovi soft

killer000 fa 9 anys actualitzat fa 9 anys 1

Попалась вот такая гадость, не снимает галочки


Under review

Unchecky is vulnerable to 'exploitable RWX addresses'

Anònim fa 9 anys updated by Unchecky fa 9 anys 1
Unchecky fa 9 anys

We tried running the tool with Unchecky installed, and it reported that the system is not vulnerable.

Why do you think that Unchecky is responsible for the vulnerability on your system?

Can you provide a screenshot with the information that you're seeing?

Unchecky fa 10 anys
Проблема решается удалением обновления KB3072318. К программе Unchecky проблема отношения не имеет.