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The hosts file is not only modified when Unchecky is updated. When you shut down your PC, the Unchecky service shuts down, and removes its entries. When the PC is started, the Unchecky service is started as well, and it writes its entries.

In my opinion, whitelisting Unchecky is a more correct and straightforward solution.
Screenshot doesn't seem to be related to Softkumir.ru. I need a link for the software to make Unchecky support it.
Please provide a download link and a screenshot.
Haven't got any offers with it.
Please post a screenshot.

Мне сложно сказать, в чем может быть проблема. Даже с тимвьювером.
Хотелось бы воспроизвести это у себя.
Если найдете, от чего зависит выбор варианта - ОС/язык/IP/еще чего - пожалуйста сообщите.
Update: исправлено в v0.2.6.

1. Unchecky не различает между нежелательными программами и другими предложениями, например об изменении стартовой страницы. Возможно, следует заменить текст с "potentially unwanted program" на "potentially unwanted offer".
2. Будет исправлено.
Update: fixed in v0.2.6.

This is BetterInstaller, a nasty one.
I block it with the hosts file. This time it's:
Will be added in the next version.

You can try it by adding the line: d3oxtn1x3b8d7i.cloudfront.net
in your hosts file.