Team Speak 3 Client

killer000 9 лет назад 0

McAfee-Install via Adobe-Reader-Update

Анонимный 10 лет назад обновлен Unchecky 10 лет назад 1

Is it possible to prevent McAfee from installing, via Adobe-Reader-Update ?

One gaming-mate came up with it:

Mine actually didn't go through the website..as it was a popup telling me to update.

I found that the updater installs a program called TiltWheelMouse.exe onto your system and inserts a pointer in the Startup section of Msconfig. When you next reboot/start your system, it then starts the program to download & install McAfee in the background without any prompts.


It also places a pointer in your registry file under the pximouse entry under the Run folder. I merely looked for those files (pximouse and TiltWheelMouse.exe) and deleted the entries in the registry. And deleted the file TiltWheelMouse.exe from the System32 folder

Best Regards

Unchecky 10 лет назад
Currently, Unchecky is not able to handle checkboxes which appear on websites.
For more info, please see:

dont create desktop icon

Анонимный 9 лет назад обновлен Durham Bell 5 лет назад 2

this would be handy for me - i try to keep the desktop clear, if unchecky could uncheck "create desktop shortcut" in an installers config that would be awesome!

Unchecky 9 лет назад

Thank you for the feedback.

For simplicity, we decided not to provide this option. You can simply remove the icon, and it won't be created again, even after updating Unchecky.

Note that if you are using a silent installation, there's a command line option for not creating the icon. Refer to the FAQ on the website for more details.

Closing as a duplicate of:



Support needed for installers built with Inno Setup

Terris Leonis 11 лет назад обновлен RaMMicHaeL 11 лет назад 1
Image 54
This screenshot comes from the installer (CDisplayExWin64.exe) for the 64-bit version of CDisplay Ex, a popular viewer for computer comic-book archives.

Of note:
  • The installer is built with Inno Setup and is a 32-bit process.
  • This example installs Search Protect by Conduit, which ostensibly "saves your preferred browser's homepage and default search settings so that they can't be changed by software you download from the Internet" - but changes them itself upon installation (my homepage became Bing).
  • Only one EULA screen is shown in this installer, and at first glance appears to be the EULA for the CDisplay software itself. Clicking Decline proceeds with CDisplay installation without installing Search Protect.
  • The latest version of Unchecky did not display any warning when the Accept button shown in the screenshot was clicked.
RaMMicHaeL 11 лет назад
Thanks for the detailed report.
Should be fixed in v0.2.6.

Blue Screen

Анонимный 11 лет назад обновлен RaMMicHaeL 11 лет назад 3
Hello, I've installed unchecky on my PC OK but when I tried to install it on my wife's PC, I get the following BSoD:
STOP: c000021a Fatal Error 0x0000005 (0x75e9ad15) 0x0069f160
Any idea why? John
RaMMicHaeL 11 лет назад
Update: I cannot reproduce this issue, so I can't do much about it. Therefore I'm closing it.
If you have more info about it, you can leave a comment.

Hi John,
Unchecky doesn't use a driver, so it shouldn't be able to cause a BSoD by himself.
I see two possible causes here:
  • Your OS/hardware has an issue, and the installation of Unchecky triggered it. For example, you might have a broken hard disk, and Unchecky might have been installed on the faulty part of it.
  • You have an incompatibility with a low-level software, such as an antivirus program.
Did you try installing Unchecky again on that PC? Do you see the BSoD every time?

After installing Unchecky my ineternet is solw, whats going on? and sould i uninstall it?

Анонимный 11 лет назад обновлен 10 лет назад 3
After installing Unchecky my ineternet is solw, whats going on? and sould i uninstall it?
RaMMicHaeL 11 лет назад
Unchecky shouldn't affect the internet speed. The only internet activity it does is checking for updates once every 24 hours.
Of course, you can uninstall Unchecky and see whether that helps. Then, you could reinstall it if you find out that the issue is unrelated to Unchecky.
Не ошибка

Налогоплательщик ЮЛ

Kirill Uksusov 11 лет назад обновлен RaMMicHaeL 11 лет назад 1
Налогоплательщик ЮЛ 4.37
Ложное срабатывание

Image 58
RaMMicHaeL 11 лет назад
Не ошибка

Your update to the HOSTS file deletes any valid entries in the file. NOT ACCEPTABLE

Анонимный 10 лет назад обновлен Unchecky 9 лет назад 3
When you update the hosts file you can't delete whats already in there. That is totally unacceptable. And do a backup first. Totally unprofessional.
Unchecky 9 лет назад
Closing due to a lack of feedback. If you're still having the issue, please leave a comment.

Add blocking installation of Web Compagnion

Анонимный 9 лет назад 0
A few number of softwares install in background the application "Lavasoft Web Compagnion" without asking our confirmation. I don't want it, and it changes the default url address in Firefox!

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