

Андрей 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Unchecky 9 aastat tagasi 9
Image 71
Unchecky 9 aastat tagasi

Поддержка добавлена в версии 0.4.3.


Option to prevent automatic creation of desktop shortcuts

Elliott Tallis 6 aastat tagasi uuendaja p d 4 aastat tagasi 4

Hey there,

I think it might be a good idea to add an option to prevent desktop shortcuts from being automatically made in applications, allowing users to prevent desktop clutter without having to click that damned box every time. Any feedback, hmu.




CCleaner installing Google Crapware silently.

cats palace2 8 aastat tagasi uuendaja Unchecky 8 aastat tagasi 7

I have just updated the CCleaner free edition to 5.23.5808 an it installed unwanted software, Google chrome and the Google BHO for Explorer. It did this silently and there are no options to decline the offer or nor is it mentioned in the software agreement that I could see. Unchecky didn't pick it up and I uninstalled the crapware manually. Something you might want to check. I've been using the CCleanrer for a while now and found it to be good honest software. If this is the case with the unwanted software issue then its a pity.... might have to try something else. Come to rely on Unchecky to pick this sort of thing up. It's a good solid, effective and unobtrusive little app. keep up the great work and Thank you.


Unchecky 8 aastat tagasi

Thank you for the report.

Support for CCleaner will be added in the next version of Unchecky.



Anonüümne 6 aastat tagasi uuendatud 6 aastat tagasi 2

Tickbox for installation of Google Chrome not unset for Cleaner version 5.48 and today's install of 5.49


Please add an option to normally hide the tray icon, but to show it temporarily and display a notification when Unchecky blocks something.

Anonüümne 10 aastat tagasi 0
By default, Unchecky displays a static tray icon in the taskbar all the time. I would rather it not, but the only other option is to hide the tray icon, which also disables the notifications. I would like a "notify only" option which shows the icon and displays any notifications, and then hides the icon again.
And no, I want this with Windows set to show all tray icons. I want this feature in your software, not a cheap Windows workaround. I would suggest that this new option be the default. People don't need more tray icons cluttering their taskbar, and the settings can easily be changed by opening Unchecky from the desktop or Start Menu.

Установщик Skype для рабочего стола зависает при включенной службе Unchecky

Anonüümne 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja RaMMicHaeL 11 aastat tagasi 6
ОС: Windows XP x32
Установщик скачан с skype.com. Unchecky исправно снимает галочки MSN и Yandex, но кнопка "Установить" не нажимается, процесс зависает.
RaMMicHaeL 11 aastat tagasi

Why unchecky does not have updates since 2018?

Anonüümne 4 aastat tagasi uuendatud 4 aastat tagasi 1

Please note: Unchecky is discontinued since 2018.

Anonüümne 4 aastat tagasi uuendatud 4 aastat tagasi 2

Please note: Unchecky is discontinued since 2018.


Java 8 update 131 Norton offer

Anonüümne 8 aastat tagasi uuendaja Unchecky 8 aastat tagasi 4

Unchecky doesn't see the Norton offer presented in the Java 8 Update 131 install dialog

Unchecky 8 aastat tagasi

Support was added in Unchecky v1.0.3.


Реализуйте отправку отчётов о неснятых галочках

Anonüümne 10 aastat tagasi 0
Или автоматически: просмотр действий пользователя с галочками в установщиках