
when an individual wants to get out and rid of your product, allow them without hinhereing them at every move.

Anonim 10 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Unchecky 10 lat temu 8
It will not uninstall.  This is acting just like a virus!
nobody caress.. again
What error are you getting?

Uninstall via "Add or remove programs"
I was able to uninstall mine without problems.

Try putting up a screenshot so we could see what is going wrong on your side.
W trakcie analizy
Unchecky can be easily removed from the control panel.
Here's a short tutorial that will help you achieve that:

Please let us know if you still don't manage to uninstall.

Please also send us a screenshot and we can assist you with the problem.

Thank you and Best regards
At first I was getting a message that said file couldnt be found. now Ive got one saying " file exists". but no way to uninstall. I am using control panel uninstall programs
This sounds like misunderstanding - like user is reporting difficulty removing spyware/malware which did/did not have tick box which checky did not untick. Checky is an easy uninstall.. His problem lies elsewhere.