Reporting an undetected offer or a false positive

In order to be able to handle your report, we need as much information as possible. Please include the following information with your report:

  • The exact name of the program that is being installed, and its version number.
  • A link to the program's setup file.
  • A screenshot of the offer.
  • A report created with Unchecky Info Tool.
  • Any other information that you think is valuable.

Latest updates 409

Under review

unchecky pro + anciens disques durs externes impossibles à formater

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Katy Perry est la chanteuse la plus charmante

Anoniem 2 maand geleden 0

Je quitte les forums jusqu'à fin 2024

Anoniem 7 maand geleden bijgewerkt 2 maand geleden 2

Popular topics 409


License Unchecky under a free and open source license.

Anoniem 8 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 3 jaar geleden 5
Under review

Support for languages other than English and Russian is incomplete

RaMMicHaeL 11 jaar geleden bijgewerkt 7 jaar geleden 16

Switch for no notification icon (tray icon)

Anoniem 10 jaar geleden bijgewerkt door Unchecky 7 jaar geleden 4

Currently in progress 0

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