
License Unchecky under a free and open source license.

Anonim 8 lat temu zaktualizowano 3 lat temu 5

I'd love to see this software licensed under some free license like GPL v3, having anyone be able to look at the source code, modify and share it as they wish would definitely increase this project's credibility.

W trakcie analizy

Support for languages other than English and Russian is incomplete

RaMMicHaeL 11 lat temu zaktualizowano 7 lat temu 16
Unchecky is largely based on filters.
I speak both English and Russian, so I maintain filters for those languages, but it's problematic for me to support other languages, and I need your help.
If you're willing to help and maintain filters for your language, please contact me.
Unchecky 9 lat temu
Current status:
English, Russian - Good support.
Polish, French, Estonian - Partial support.

Log of blocked/unchecked events

Anonim 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Unchecky 10 lat temu 11
In main GUI we can only see the number of unchecked events.
It would be nice to make that number a link that would open new log window.
In the log, there could be date, time and application listed.
Unchecky 10 lat temu
Thanks for the feedback, guys!
An activity log was added in Unchecky v0.3.

Add option to ignore certain processes

Anonim 10 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Unchecky 7 lat temu 9

In certain configurations, Unchecky will blindly interact with processes. As for example, interacting with one AntiVirus interface is not really needed. Due to HIPS component, Unchecky is unable to interact with the interface anyway and it will log this action in the AntiVirus which is quite frustrating.
Besides that, an exception feature makes totally sense.
Unchecky 7 lat temu

The option is available in Unchecky v1.1.



GPO Deployable MSI

Anonim 11 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Unchecky 7 lat temu 13
I would love to be able to get a ready built MSI for mass deployment of Unchecky in the offices I run via Windows Group Policy.  My company would even make a donation to the project for this feature.
Unchecky 7 lat temu

I have created an MSI installer which wraps the original setup executable. You can get it here:


Please note:

  • I don't have a Windows domain, so I couldn't verify that remote installation works. I'll appreciate your feedback about whether it works.
  • The source code of the MSI wrapper can be found here: https://github.com/Unchecky/wix-wrapper

"крашится" explorer

Anonim 10 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Unchecky 10 lat temu 20
при работающей программе:

Image 173
при выгруженной программе:

Image 174
т.е. при выборе "свойства" ярлыка, файла и т.д. получаем зачерненное окно, при проходе мышкой над этой областью подсвечивается тем, что под областью. Пока снес.
Win 8.1 64
Unchecky 10 lat temu
Спасибо всем за предоставленную информацию!
Проблема исправлена в версии v0.3.9.
Если все еще есть проблемы, дайте нам знать в комментариях.

Unchecky's installer cannot be downloaded from the official webpage. It says 404 file not found.

Anonim 7 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez owl 7 lat temu 7

Is there an update coming soon?

Unchecky 7 lat temu

The issue was resolved. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Unchecky для Comodo Internet Security

Anonim 10 lat temu zaktualizowano 9 lat temu 5
Добавьте, пожалуйста, снятие галочек в Comodo Internet Security. В русской версии это яндекс модули. В общем это навязывание их техподдержки и браузера (можно отключить в расширенной установке).
Модули яндекса навязывает и при обновлении программы. Учтите этот момент. Спасибо.
Unchecky 10 lat temu
Поддержка была добавлена в версии v0.3.9.

Файлы с http://bezsms.org Не снимают галочки

Anonim 10 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Unchecky 9 lat temu 4
Файлы с http://bezsms.org Не снимают галочки
Unchecky 9 lat temu
Проблема исправлена в версии 0.4.

Switch for no notification icon (tray icon)

Anonim 10 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Unchecky 7 lat temu 4
Please allow the setting "Don't display the notification area icon" to be turned on via switch during install.

Many thanks!