
Core Temp 1.10.2 "Additional iconrecommendations"

Bushbaby1234 7 years ago 0
  • The exact name of the program that is being installed, and its version number.
    • Core Temp v. 1.10.2:

  • A screenshot of the offer.
    • Image 359

  • Any other information that you think is valuable.
    • N/A

https://get.adobe.com/de/flashplayer/ uncheck all optional software (currently mcaffee and intel - stuff)

Anonymous 8 years ago updated 5 years ago 2


Maybe the most frequent and hated option-cecks around the net are on that flash-player-update-webpage. Anyway, the come before downloading the installer - that makes it maybe tricky. The checks would have to be taken off the webpage itself.

However, I saw, that you declined the request in the past, some years ago.

Given the fact, that millions of users encouter that problem every couple of days, this might be worth checking again?



false positive in orfo

jujujugrd-temp2012 8 years ago updated by Unchecky 7 years ago 2
false positive in orfo (http://www.orfo.ru) - unchecks the toolbar for ms word which is the main functionality of the program
Unchecky 7 years ago

The false positive was removed in Unchecky v1.0.3.

Not a bug

Срабатывание на / Responds on Windscribe

Anonymous 8 years ago updated by Unchecky 8 years ago 1

Unchecky cрабатывает на VPN-сервис Windscribe (.exe, Windows), хотя никакой рекламы/ПнП там нету. Поправьте пожалуйста.

Unchecky triggers to VPN-service Windscribe (.exe, Windows), but there isn't any ads/badware. Please fix, thank you.

Unchecky 8 years ago

Спасибо за отзыв.

Это не баг. Подробности тут:


uTorrent 3.4.9

Vincent Duissen 8 years ago updated by Unchecky 8 years ago 4
Unchecky 8 years ago

Support was added in Unchecky v1.0.2.


Latest version of Auslogics freeware are not detected and have more forced options

Anonymous 8 years ago updated by Unchecky 8 years ago 2

New versions X.1 pass throught Unchecky...

Unchecky 8 years ago

Support for Auslogics products was improved in Unchecky v1.0.2. Let us know if there are offers which are still not being detected. Thanks!

Under review

unchecky pro + anciens disques durs externes impossibles à formater

Jonathan Carribon 8 years ago updated 2 weeks ago 21

Bonjour à tous,

Je suis datwin-bordo sur tous les forums de désinfection/entraide, je suis également connu sur certains forums de désinfection/entraide sous les pseudos conrad-boy, magritte, LFS Ultra, widen100%sécurisé, oomerang-louvre et oçoï,

Je me présente, je m'appelles Jonathan, j'ai 27 ans, j'habite en aquitaine, je viens de m'inscrire juste un instant à un nouveau forum de désinfection/entraide qui est le forum d'Unchecky ici,

Et donc mon premier topic ici est double-sujet:

Unchecky pro:

Après resté 3 ans en bêta, unchecky est passé en version 1, donc il y à un nouvel interface, donc si il y à une version pro, voici les fonctionnalités pro supplementaires:

-décoche automatiquement les cases mcafee/chyrome sur le site de téléchargement d'adobe flash/reader

-base de donnée 40% plus élargie

-supprimes les adwares installés dû aux cases qu'on à laissées cochées auparavent

-support technique 24/7 intégré au logiciel unchecky sans forum

-fonctions toolbox pour télécharger les autres produits reason herdprotect, core security, shouldiremoveit ?, boost, et adwcleaner, malwarebytes, etc... avec boutique intégrée à unchecky pour acheter reason core security premium


Mes deux disques durs externes wd element de 900 go et verbatim de 400 go:

Au départ on devez migrer l'os avec paragon et/ou créer un "hiren's boot usb" avec mes deux disques durs externes, mais quand on veut formater le wd element, ça mets échec, et le verbatim est non reconnu par mes ordinateurs, finalement migrer l'os et créer "hiren's boot usb sous forme de disque dur externe" sont pas obligatoire, on cherche juste à formater et reconnaitre par mes pc ces deux disques externes, j'aimes plus ma mère,

Je ne veux plus faire de l'ordinateur, je veux plus jouer à la playstation,

Je veux plus aller au restaurant, je ne veut plus visiter de sites touristiques,

parce que j'ai crié très fort ce matin car j'étais malheureux,

Je ne me prives plus jamais de poufs en mousse et en plastique, de jeunes filles, de ballons sauteurs, et me musiques de r'n'b et dance à partir de maintenant pour le reste

de ma vie car trop tard on ne peut plus revenir en arrière...

Comment on désinstalles Ad-Aware de mes deux pc ?...

Under review

Windows 10 Anniversary update bug in Unchecky

gshillitani 8 years ago updated by Unchecky 8 years ago 1

After the most recent update to Windows 10 Anniversary edition, I found I was unable to install anything. The installers would hang and I had to use Task Manager to close them. After a very long day trying various fixes and even talking to Microsoft support, I disabled every non-Microsoft service from loading. Then I had to go through every single service to figure out which one was causing the problem. Turns out to be Unchecky. Are there plans to make it compatible with the latest Microsoft nonsense?

Unchecky 8 years ago

Your problem might be related to this issue. Could you please try Unchecky v1.0.1?


TransIP Stack

Yinchie 8 years ago updated by Unchecky 8 years ago 1

While Unchecky is running, it causes the installation of Stack to freeze up and making it use xx% CPU usage.

Stack is a cloud storage software by TransIP - https://www.transip.nl

Stack software can be downloaded from - https://mirror.transip.net/stack/

I am running Windows 10 Pro x64 - 16GB DDR3 RAM - Intel Core i7 4790K

Using Unchecky version 1.0

Unchecky 8 years ago

Thank you for the report. The issue was fixed in Unchecky v1.0.1.