
Alternative Flash Player Auto-Updater

Anonymous 10 years ago updated by Unchecky 9 years ago 3
Unchecky 9 years ago

Блокируется с v0.4. Если есть проблемы, оставьте пожалуйста комментарий.


It does not work on Windows XP x64.

Anonymous 10 years ago updated by Unchecky 7 years ago 4
It installs, and the service runs, but CCleaner's adware does not uncheck. I tested on Windows 7 and it works for CCleaner, but not on XP x64.
Unchecky 7 years ago

There was an issue with some of the Windows XP systems previous versions. It should be fixed in Unchecky v1.0.3.

Under review

IP-TV Player

stvol 10 years ago updated by Unchek 5 years ago 7
Image 88Image 87

Shockwave player

Lord Ami 10 years ago updated by Unchecky 9 years ago 5
Installer: http://www72.zippyshare.com/v/62754094/file.html
Picture: http://snag.gy/kSsP0.jpg
Unchecky 9 years ago
Thanks for the feedback, I could reproduce it.
Should be fixed in the next version.

please remove google home page

Anonymous 10 years ago updated by Unchecky 9 years ago 3
dont need or want google home page please remove
Unchecky 9 years ago

Closing due to a lack of feedback. If there's more information, please let us know.


От Мазиллы фаерфокс

Anonymous 9 years ago updated by Unchecky 9 years ago 6

Внесите пожалуйста снятие галочки с установщика браузера Мазиллы фаерфокс.

И ещё пожелание. Снимите наконец-то статус БЭТА с программы. Намозолило уже. Ведь прога работает как надо. Пусть будет как финалка, только версии обновляйте. Спасибо.

Unchecky 9 years ago

О какой галочке речь? Об этой (скриншот ниже)?

Если да - это не потенциально нежелательная программа, и не является целью Unchecky.

Насчет беты - мы планируем снять статус беты в ближайшем будущем.


FormatFactory v3.8.0.0 (Good software with Evil installer). Installation Explained.

malaguer 9 years ago updated 5 years ago 1

Ordered description of installation

(1) Acceptance of EULA of the original software. (OK)

Image 207

(2) [UnCheky Needed]

Installation of Chromium and setting of Yahoo as default search engine and homepage:

Concealed and sneaky way to dismiss...

Image 208

[3] [UnCheky Needed]

Disable unwanted aditional software:

Image 209

[4] APPARENTLY, the official installer process.

Image 210

[5] LYING Window of Instalation Completed:

Image 211

[6] [UnCheky Needed]

Try to make you intall a needless (I left this under your more experienced consideration) extra software, 'Picosmos Picture Tools':

Image 212

[7] Clicking 'Next' ends the installation WITHOUT Bloatware.

(Added): Even doing this. the installation leave some .lnk direct acess files associated to the UNINSTALLED software Picosmos Picture Tools in the OS. Apart from that, the only software installed is FortmatFactory and nothing else.


* Website of FormatFactory: http://www.pcfreetime.com/:

* Download Offline Version Link: http://www.pcfreetime.com/download/FFSetup3.8.0.0.exe

They have an Online Installer, that probably includes the same, or more, needless stuff, but I didn't tested it.

Hope you can include it and add it to your DB to help others.

Thanks for the program!



Anonymous 10 years ago updated by Unchecky 10 years ago 3
Здравствуйте RaMMicHaeL! Во-первых огромное спасибо Вам за наиполезнейшую (для большинства юзеров) программу!! И о главном: сегодня увидел новую бета-версию AIMP-a, при установке которого Unchecky не снял "нужные" галочки

Unchecky 10 years ago

инсталлятор mail agent

vovakms . 11 years ago updated 10 years ago 5
инсталлятор Mail agent хитрющий
после полной установки и запуска клиента, спустя 5-10 минут выталкивает попап с рекламными чекбоксами..
RaMMicHaeL 11 years ago

Ad-Aware toolbar

RaMMicHaeL 11 years ago updated 11 years ago 0
RaMMicHaeL 11 years ago