Sarnaseid teemasid ei leitud.

Daemon Tools
После установки Daemon Tools перед выходом есть 4 галочки, которые не снимаются автоматически.

More info on activity log
Need more info on activity log on what offers where declined on installer name rather than just saying on how many offers declined on each installer.

Резка с файлообмкенников.
Здравствуйте. А возможно ли сделать блокировку от галочек у файлообменнков типа Летибит, Турбобит. Я имею ввиду чтобы нечаянно не прихватывать скачивание с ихних "фирменных" закачников. Ну вы поняли о чём речь. Спасибо!

9 aastat tagasi
Спасибо за предложение. Дубликат:

Unchecky shows a warning when I try to agree to the windows eula that WinToFlash displays after completion of some steps from the "Windows Setup Transfer Wizard".
(To get there, open WinToFlash -> Click "Windows Setup Transfer Wizard" -> Click Next -> Choose ISO or folder and USB Device -> Click Next (You will see a window like shown in the picture.))
During the first startup wizard of WinToFlash, Unchecky also reject some offers, but it looks like that is correctly!

Unchecky shows a warning when I try to agree to the windows eula that WinToFlash displays after completion of some steps from the "Windows Setup Transfer Wizard".
(To get there, open WinToFlash -> Click "Windows Setup Transfer Wizard" -> Click Next -> Choose ISO or folder and USB Device -> Click Next (You will see a window like shown in the picture.))
During the first startup wizard of WinToFlash, Unchecky also reject some offers, but it looks like that is correctly!

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