
The KMP Player not working normally

Anonyme il y a 11 ans mis à jour par RaMMicHaeL il y a 11 ans 7

Yandex.bar + Pandora service not disabling

RaMMicHaeL il y a 11 ans
Pandora service should be removed by Unchecky v0.1.4.
I'll look at yandex.bar.


unchecky don't disable yahoo mesenger toolbar

Anonyme il y a 11 ans mis à jour par RaMMicHaeL il y a 11 ans 0
unchecky don't disable yahoo messenger toolbar because it requires to check custom install (location : on the top of the first dialog of the installer)

Example : http://youtu.be/Nmzql3VjDsQ?t=1m19s
RaMMicHaeL il y a 11 ans
Pas un bug

Auslogics Registry Cleaner

Classic il y a 10 ans mis à jour par Unchecky il y a 9 ans 1
Не снимает галки Image 135
Unchecky il y a 9 ans

Thank you for the report. Closing as a duplicate of:



Доработка о пополнении базы знаний нежелательного ПО

PARKAS il y a 9 ans 0

самый главный толчок развитию вашей программе даст именно возможность пользователей самим помогать развитию вашего проекта посредством опытных пользователей котрые будут защет новой встроенной возможности в вашу программу помечать нежелательные галочки и будут отправлять лог со всей необходимой инфой отправлять вам а савс бонус за каждую помощ в улучшении в будущем VIP привилегии в программе бесплатно!)))) кароч дерзайте если есть вопросы пишите мне на почту

À l'étude


Anonyme il y a 10 ans mis à jour par Unchecky il y a 9 ans 1
Unchecky il y a 9 ans

Are you referring to http://www.anyprotect.com/?

I'm not able to download the program. Seems like the website is not functional.

If you have a working link, please let us know.


Audiograbber installer

Anonyme il y a 9 ans 0
Does Unchecky prevent Audiograbber from changing homepage and installing unwanted software?

Unchecky marks War thunder's "Launch game" option as an unwanted offer

Anonyme il y a 10 ans 0
When attempting to install the game War thunder, Unchecky unchecked the option to launch the game when it was finished installing. The game installed just fine, but launching a program after it has been installed is clearly not an "unwanted offer". I love Unchecky, and I hope this minor issue can be fixed quickly. Thank you for your time.

Image 165


Flashplayer_Google Chrome

Anonyme il y a 10 ans mis à jour par Unchecky il y a 10 ans 2
Bij het installeren van Flashplayer  en wanneer je de Google Chrome webbrowser / toolbar vergeet uit te vinken haalt Unchecky de vinkjes die er bij staan ook niet weg,  en zit je alsnog met dezae twee dingen opgescheept.
Unchecky il y a 10 ans
Sounds like you're talking about the checkbox on the website of Adobe. Currently, Unchecky is not able to handle checkboxes which appear on websites.
For more info, please see:

Closing as duplicate.

Grammatical error in installer - 'Less options' should be 'Fewer options'

Ross Gardiner il y a 11 ans mis à jour par RaMMicHaeL il y a 11 ans 0
RaMMicHaeL il y a 11 ans
Fixed in v0.2.

Thank you for the correction. It will be fixed in the next version.
English is not my native language, so I may make mistakes sometimes. Please tell me if you find any other errors, or texts which could be written in a better way.

Constently running

Donald Haddox il y a 10 ans mis à jour par Unchecky il y a 10 ans 1
Unchecky il y a 10 ans
You haven't provided much feedback, but it looks like you don't like the fact that Unchecky is constantly running. Even though it's true, it's a very lightweight program, and shouldn't affect overall system performance. If it wouldn't be constantly running, it wouldn't be available in the times when you need it, unless you remember to run it explicitly.
There are no plans to change this behavior in the near future.